Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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187 lines
xadUnFile 1.17
xadUnFileM 1.17
xadUnFile is the master shell tool to extract data from
file archives.
FROM specifies the file archive that should be handled.
The xadUnFileM tool can handle splitted archives, when they are
given in their correct order. Do not give multiple names of
single archives! You may use patterns with xadUnFileM.
DESTDIR is the destination directory. The directory is created
when it does not exist (except if ASKMAKEDIR is turned on and
you select no). There are some dangerous archives using absolute
path names (e.g. starting with LIBS: or RAM:). xadUnFile archives
these files to their absolute position (except NOTREE or NOABS is
used). For xadUnFileM this argument requires the keyword DEST or
PASSWORD can be used to supply a password for unarchiving of
encrypted archives. This argument requires the keyword PASSWORD.
FILE allows you to select filename(s) (including patterns), which
should be extracted. When FILE is not given, all files are
extracted. With FILE only matching files are extracted.
NOTE: When you do not use NOTREE keyword, the patterns check
includes checks for directory structure as well.
For xadUnFileM there are some special rules:
To pass multiple names, use patterns like (xxx|yyy|zzz), where
xxx, yyy and zzz are three file names. You cannot pass multiple
strings like for xadUnFile. And additionally this argument
requires the keyword FILE.
NAMESIZE allows to specify the maximum size of a filename. This is
useful as some archives from unix machines have longer filenames
than the Amiga filesystem allows. Whenever a name is longer than
the namesize value, you are asked to enter a shorter name. Names
of directories are truncated without requests.
FFS or OFS replace NAMESIZE argument and provide a standard length
of 30 characters, which is the value of our standard file system.
SFS provide a length of 100 characters, the SmartFilesystem
NOEXTERN prohibits the use of external clients for
recognition purposes.
INFO or LIST prints information about the archive and does not
do any unarchiving. SHOWPROT turns on display of protection
information. VERBOSE shows additional information texts, which
exist for some archivers.
OVERWRITE forces the program to overwrite an already existing
destination file. Normally you are asked about that.
NOTREE skips all directory names and writes the files directly to
destination directory.
ASKMAKEDIR forces the program to ask you, if a missing directory
should be created.
NOCOMMENT prevents setting archived file comments, NOPROT prevents
setting file protection bits and NODATE prevents setting date
information. NOCOMMENT also prevents displaying comment lines with
INFO or LIST keyword.
NOABS prevents creation of absolute path names.
If you specify NOKILLPART keyword, partial or corrupt output files
no longer are deleted.
The QUIET option turns off the progress report, but also disables
questions to skip, rename or overwrite files.
The tool allows to extract files from disk images. If you specify
DISKIMAGE, the input file is handled as disk image (ADF file)
and not as file archive. If it is an valid Amiga filesytem disk,
files can be extracted from it. Specifying DISKARCHIVE is like
DISKIMAGE, but input data is an disk archive, which is dearchived
before extracting files. If the disk archive has multiple entries,
you may use ENTRY keyword to specify the wanted entry.
Shell> xadUnFile archive.tar RAM:
Unarchive the tar archive to RAM:
Shell> xadUnFile archive.lha RAM: #?.txt #?.doc Contents
Unarchive all .txt and .doc file and the file "Contents" of
lha archive to RAM:
Shell> xadUnFile archive.lha DEST RAM: FILE (#?.txt|#?.doc|Contents)
The same call for xadUnFileM
Shell> xadUnFile archive.lha LIST
Tells information about archive.lha file.
Shell> xadUnFile image.adf DIMG LIST
Tells information about files in disk image image.adf.
Shell> xadUnFileM archive.lha archive.l[0-9]? LIST
Tells information about splitted lha archive.
xadUnFile 1.17, xadUnFileM 1.17
- added support for archives with unknown decrunched size
xadUnFile 1.16, xadUnFileM 1.16
- bug fixes
xadUnFile 1.15, xadUnFileM 1.15
- added support for patterns in xadUnFileM
xadUnFile 1.14, xadUnFileM 1.14
- added DISKARCHIVE, DISKIMAGE and ENTRY parameters
- bug fixes
xadUnFile 1.13, xadUnFileM 1.13
- added VERBOSE parameter
xadUnFile 1.12, xadUnFileM 1.12
- added NOKILLPART parameter
xadUnFile 1.11, xadUnFileM 1.11
- added SFS parameter
xadUnFile 1.10, xadUnFileM 1.10
- added NAMESIZE and FFS or OFS parameters
xadUnFile 1.9, xadUnFileM 1.9
- Now also sets protection bits and comment for directories. The
date is correct for empty dirs only, as the OS automatically
updates the date, if something is changed in the directory.
xadUnFile 1.8, xadUnFileM 1.8
- Also strips "/" or ":" at name start for NOABS option.
xadUnFile 1.7, xadUnFileM 1.7
- new options SHOWPROT and QUIET
- normal xadUnFile got back style of 1.4 and the multifile archive
style has been implemented in the special xadUnFileM tool.
Splitted archives are very seldom and it is of no use to make the
shell arguments that complicated for single file archives.
xadUnFile 1.6
- added multiple input file support and renaming
xadUnFile 1.4
- no longer aborts when unarchiving failed for one entry
- added NOABS option and comment display with INFO
xadUnFile 1.3
- added size output for "group archivers" like LzX
xadUnFile 1.2
- added output for corrupted files
xadUnFile 1.1
- added FILE parameter and directory creation
xadUnFile 1.0
- First public release.
xadUnFile is freely distributable for noncommercial use.
Dirk Stöcker
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 10
01877 Bischofswerda
Dirk Stoecker <stoecker@amigaworld.com>